Brilliant Yondaime, I agree, let's just hope it does happen more frequently in the future.
The speaker has a captive audience and a bethelite carries WT authority...more of this please!
hi guys and gals,.
its been a long time since i've posted here, i've been caught up with school and work so i've never had the time to post on the forum, but i've still been reading through some articles on here.
now that finals are over i have some time to breath.
Brilliant Yondaime, I agree, let's just hope it does happen more frequently in the future.
The speaker has a captive audience and a bethelite carries WT authority...more of this please!
i was talking with a friend of mine who knows a few people in the home department at bethel.
apparently, prince was, as i noted in the title, on the board of directors.
he apparently was sort of a silent partner or advisor in the whole thing.
I have it on good authority that Tony Morris 111, because of his poor showing on the JWTV ratings, was just about to be replaced by Prince as a new presenter.
in public talks we would always hear about how we knew god's word was the truth because it was simple and clear.
how god revealed the real truth to uneducated and ordinary people.
the problem is that in reality something being simple or clear isn't an indicator of it's truthfulness at all.
Further to that Millie, try explaining to anyone the simple cardinal truth that the WTBTS was appointed by Big J in 1919.
Even an idiot can do it...or do you have to be an idiot to understand it?
in public talks we would always hear about how we knew god's word was the truth because it was simple and clear.
how god revealed the real truth to uneducated and ordinary people.
the problem is that in reality something being simple or clear isn't an indicator of it's truthfulness at all.
Yes Rogue, the essence of JWism is to justify the preposterous claim that the almighty creator of the universe had chosen the WTBTS in 1919 as his exclusive channel or conduit.
To do this in the absence of tangible evidence they try to illuminate their experience as a Jeremiah doomsday cult by bending the scriptures to their own history. Delusion is a serious psychological problem for an individual... but holding and broadcasting shared delusions takes the problem on to a whole new level.
The JW org is now entering a post-Copernican revolution. The planetary system, it must be understood, is no longer solar centric because the sun now shines out of the buttocks of the governing body. Here is the source of the “new light”.
Thinking for yourself and reasoning are to be strictly discouraged because a JW never needs to think for themself. It is simpler to leave this to the demi-gods of Brooklyn. If a brother or sister is found trying to reason, or learn about the origins of the Watchtower or investigate the origins of Christianity, he or she will be publicly marked and made an example of what not to do.
Instead just contribute money, wear your blinkers and obey... Being blessed is subjective.
so over the course of three days he had a trial which doesn't seem to have bothered him much.
he got whipped ok that would have been agony and then put on a torture stake/ cross/ whatever yes that would have been hell.
but he was on it for a day and the whole thing lasted for three days.
The ransom sacrifice is the elaboration of a perfectly dreadful story. It is based on the most primitive and yet dramatic means of restoring the equilibrium in a tribal society. It is the belief that for the sake of the unity of the tribe and for the appeasement of the gods; someone has to die.
The idea was formalised in early Egyptian Horus/Osiris myth and perpetuated by successive tribes and powers in the region. Over time each group and regional cult would add in their own local notions but the essence of the story remained.
Had it not been for Jewish dissidents looking for a god-man saviour of their own and labelling him Jesus, we would know this same myth as the death and redemption of the crucified saviour Dionysus.
Although Christianity and the JW org would instantly die if it was understood... yet it is a fundamental matter of education to know when we are dealing with myth or with fact.
Hint: if the text contains accounts of people coming back from the dead or talking animals or invisible spirits; it is a story or myth.
what was the graffiti artist intending when he/she scratched this cartoon like drawing on the wall of a building that served as a training school for imperial guards and personal attendants in the imperial palace area of rome.
it is known as the alexamenos graffito.. .
our interest may focus on the crucified figure, but as a tracing of the drawing makes a little clearer - there's another figure of interest, a young male whose gestures indicate that he's praying, and the crudely written text says: .
It is really important to know that any early secular references to "christians" cannot be attributed to a particular cult or temple let alone one of the the Jesus cults. Early christianity was lumped with what was later perjoratively called paganism by the Romans since their beliefs overlapped as did the types of worship including prayer with arms extended. Early Christian graves for example are rarely distinguishable from pagans since they used the same symbols such as crucifixion, the shepherd carrying a lamb etc.
The same graffito as you show Fulltimestudent is presented in Gandy and Freke's The Jesus mysteries, Element, 2003. Here it is given a date between 193 to 235CE with the text suggesting a pagan initiate of the mysteries looks on at the crucifixion of a donkey headed man. "This represents his lower 'animal' nature, which he has put to he may be spiritually resurrected".
I recall a horse-headed Roman god which was apparently mocked by contemporaries for its ludicrous looks, I wonder if this had any connection with the image in question?
4 generations of the royal family.
excuse me, i'm one of jw's, i only see one overlap generation of the royal family.
i keep up with, and i noticed an interesting question to "brother rando".
his statement surprised me, and i am wondering if i missed some new light along the way.. question:.
"hello bro rando.
Trying to reconcile what the Bible says with reality is impossible.
Jesus unequivocally said there would be those who would not taste death in his generation before the coming of the kingdom in power. (Mark 9,1) Jesus got it wrong. The Bible is wrong.
If you want a happy life don't be misled by two thousand year old Christ-cult rhetoric.
The moral is don't believe the Bible is inspired and instead base your life on factual things... stop building castles in the air.
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Former brother are you serious in your quest?
The JW organisation does not care for its young ones at all. It cares not a fig for the terrible mental state of sexually abused young victims in its midst.
All it cares about is numbers. Numbers of Dollars in the bank, numbers of hours preached and numbers of dim-witted slavish followers. I know because I also am a former brother.
The children of JW parents are social outcasts, stifled in their self expression, suppressed in their understanding, stunted in their development to the point of losing their identity as individuals and can only cope with life within the prison boundaries of JW thinking. The governing body are reprehensible for this outrage not the poor and helpless victims; the rank and file JWs.
You don’t really want an alternative do you? Would you rather be kicked in the teeth by a Jehovah’s Witness boot more than any other deluded religion?
Let me just give you a clue: the Watchtower organisation has never got anything right that is worthwhile knowing in all of its 137 year history. It repeatedly changes its doctrines and regularly makes stupid false prophecies without ever learning from its mistakes... What does this tell you?
every cell in your body contains a big book of how to build another you.. although it's approximately 3 billion letters long only a small fraction of it contains instructions on making humans.. imagine trying to use a workshop manual but it reads like somebody messed up at the publishers.
there are a few paragraphs of meaningful text followed by pages of gibberish, another page or so of useful instructions then 9 more of random words.
some of it looks like copies of original text but full of typing errors.
There is not much rhyme or reason in the size of a genome. The human with 3.1 billion base pairs is seven and a half times more than the puffer fish, Fugu rubripes (of crazy Japanese dining fame) which has 400 million base pairs.
As you mention Cofty, the interesting bit is that much of the of human DNA code is duplicated and we seem happy to drag around so much redundant coding without effect or biological stress. It bears the evidence of evolved biology and not the work of an idealized perfect creator. Scientists hoped to find uses for the duplications but the greater interest these days is in epigenetic factors i.e the circumstances or environment of gene transmission.
The puffer fish expresses most of all its genes which, having a backbone, makes it a useful organism to use in researching evolutionary change. A bit like the genetecists old favourite, the fruit fly Drosofila, which has just four large chromosomes.
How about the loblolly pine, Pinus taeda which has seven times the size of the human genome with 21 billion bases? The smallest known genome belongs to is a symbiont bacterium living inside a bug which has just a paltry160 thousand base pairs.
It looks like chance at work here in the arbitrariness of genome size and the randomness of duplication, but by getting to know a bit about DNA one can only marvel at Mother Nature’s refined methods.
Fisherman might I suggest you are confusing your assertions with the philosophical notion of Karl Popper who pointed out that the only useful information was that which could be falsified. Facts are good because they can be falsified! But you must show the evidence...
Science proceeds by disproving things as well as predicting and testing by experiment. You could falsify evolution and biological data, they are real things; hence we are dealing with factual evidence however if you falsify data as a scientist you will be dismissed and disgraced.
On the other hand you cannot falsify God's love anymore than you can prove or disprove God since there is no data on him... and therefore he/she/ it is a factual irrelevancy.